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Reply to "JT - Jeff Taylor Sr."

I shared with lafmom this funny a cute story about Jeff just this morning. Twenty seven years ago on the evening of the All Star game Jeff and I had our first "official" date. Went to a pizza place and he strategically seated me where he could see the TV and watch the All Star too! I had no clue!!!! We have laughed about this for years.

The Scholarship information posted by lafmaom is something that Jeff's boss, Vance has taken under his wing. It is Vance's goal to make this scholarship self funding. At this point in time we are just shy of $4000. There will most likely be a Golf Tournament and if it can be pulled off a exhibition baseball game between Lynchburg College and Liberty University. Now that would be cool. The scholorship is intended for a Senior in the Athletic Training Education Program where Jeff was the Clinical Coordinator.

I was also told that the athletic training lab room is going to be named after Jeff sometime this school year. It appears they may have found someone to fill Jeff's position...I am glad that he was a former football trainer at Lynchburg College. It might be easier for someone who actually knew Jeff than a "stranger"...they might have been a little overwhelmed by following Jeff.

Anyway, Jeffrey and I are doing I say to people who ask, "we haven't crawled under a rock yet". When you can still count your blessings during times like this you know God is watching over you! Jeff and I were married 25 years (June 9th...I celebrated for the both us!). I think Jeff was having more fun planning my surprise 50th birthday party though. He would have pulled it off I am sure.

God Bless all of you,
Mary Clare