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Reply to "Just checking"

I am constantly second guessed on this. My opinion. Most school, when ahead in the game, are going to try to get ahead of each batter that last inning on the first pitch. Therefore, a majority of schools are going to throw a fastball. If we take that FB, then we are set up for a breaking or off speed pitch. Then, we often though not intended, stretch the strike zone out and then... Therefore, I want them to hit that first fastball strike. I also want them to hit that first strike provided that they see spin well and get a good swing at it. I'm not one to sit and hope to win the game. We are aggressive. I AM CONSTANTLY REMINDED THAT "GOOD TEAMS" TAKE THAT PITCH. I always wonder what happened to that rule about good teams get good pitches to hit and them drive them? JMHO!
Last edited by CoachB25