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Reply to "Just checking"

Well if that is the only good pitch in the at bat, there is a good chance we will still have a runner on first....third game of the season this year, lead off hitter, after being told to take until there was a strike swings at the first pitch, lining it directly into the stationary centerfielders pitch, one out, and did his own thing.

There are different strategies out there, and I asked a question, I did not make a pronouncement. The issue is what is the best method to get "TWO" will not make a difference in the scenerio outlined. I think it is appropriate to consider the level of competition you are encountering when making decisions on an issue like this. If the pitcher is going to challenge on the first pitch, why do you automatically anticipate that they will not challenge the hitter with a strike on them? I trust my hitters to be able to handle hitting with a strike on them.