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Reply to "Just saying Hi!"

Welcome aboard, Lucy (you share the ame name as my beloved mother-in-law) ...

You found the right place to chat amongst the 'girls' about the game we all love. Please feel free to ask and share anything you wish. When it comes to the gals on this site, we are all very gentle and considerate of each other's feelings and try our darnedest to have everyone feel at home here. We get an occasional male visitor in the 'ladies' lounge' and most of them are welcome, and many of them share our feelings and thoughts about life and the game ... but be cautious about wolves in sheeps' clothing 'cause we do have some members who love to troll the different fora (notice my clever use of the proper plural for forum) ... and seemingly try to stir up trouble.

Mary Ann
a k a FutureBack.Mom
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom