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Reply to "Justin Verlander on the rash of arm injuries this year"

We're in the age of the max, and unfortunately I don't think there's a return path to any of it.

Pick a sport; surfing, skateboarding, motocross, mountain biking, skiing/snowboarding, skydiving (or whatever they call that winged suit stuff), free climbing and they're all doing things we'd have thought impossible 30 years ago. Everything is pushed to the absolute edge of possibility, and can't imagine it winding backwards.

Even sailboat racing - Sail GP - 55 MPH sailboats lol! I threw that in because I think it's beyond cool...

There will alway be outliers, athletes that don't have to go all out to be effective, but if you're on the bubble of reaching your dream, who's not going push their physical limits to get there?

As a parent of a kid with plus arm, I think the only thing you can do is to attempt to minimize max effort and max spin for as long as possible. My son (late bloomer) didn't start throwing in the mid to upper 90's until he was 20, so 8 years until he needed TJS. Although I feel (unsubstantiated) that spinning the ball hard is the biggest stressor.

Unlike steroids, I don't believe there's a way to take max effort out of the game. The only thing to do is try to minimize it as parents and not support pushing max until their frames can best handle the stresses.

Last edited by JucoDad