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Reply to "knee savers : good or bad"

I have had 9 catching related knee surgeries.  I have a replaced knee that got done when I was 43.  I played before the knee savers came around.  I see them as a terrible idea.  My son is a soph catcher and has caught his whole life.  I would never let him wear them.  I never let the kids I've coached wear them.  My reasons have nothing to do with blocking, resting, getting lazy, high target, etc.  I'm no doctor but sitting down on a wedge between the back of your thigh and the top of your calf has to put a strain on the front part of your knee,  In science terms, a wedge is piece of material used to separate or split objects apart.  Sitting on a wedge has to put extra pressure on your ligaments to keep your knee tight.  The other possibility that I think of is a slight separation in the knee joint (spreading apart) that would create a greater chance for cartilage damage.  I may be wrong, but I've spent many a day behind the ol dish.  I have lots of scars to prove it.  Have a good weekend everyone!  Hit 'em where they aint!
