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Reply to "knee savers : good or bad"

who started wearing them... sandy alomar jr, because of the abuse his knees took over his career... saving their knees now so they'll have them in their 20's? if they set up correctly, they dont need them. plus, by the time they are in their 20s, about 95% of them will be reduced to some summer league a couple times a week.. i don't mind them for bullpens, however this is a tough position both mentally and physically... i just cant seem to comprehend how all of a sudden high school and middle school kids must save their bodies due to the work load they have behind the plate.... guys are doing it every day from the middle of february to the end of september without them. technique saves your knees, not cushions. and if you are too comfortable with them, you will sit back which can affect blocking and throwing... that being said, if you are off of them with guys on base or with 2 strikes -- then they dont become an issue....its the kids sitting all the way down on them who wonder why they arent blocking well or throwing people out that this post applies too.

tip of the day: to decrease your time to second, keep your hands close to your body on your transfer (like an infielder turning 2). this will allow your arm to get into its proper slot and to be in sinc with the rest of your body. by reaching out you have to catch the ball, open the glove, reach inside, grab the ball, grip the ball, bring your arm back, step and throw... when this happens you'll tend to see the arm drag and cause the ball to tail