We haven’t updated this post in while. Thought I might share where Junior5 is at in his rehab. He is now 15 weeks post surgery. He has been continuing his PT 2-3 times per week. He is progressing according to plan. His range of motion is back over 100. He continues to progress in strengthening his shoulder.
The only set back occurred a few weeks ago when he would feel pain in shoulder after running. He started running again this week and has no pain.
Fall practices at his school wrapped up last week. He spent a lot of time on the bike, umpiring inter-squad games and basically doing work on his own. He recently started doing some bottom hand soft toss as tee work. His coach has been fantastic in my opinion. He talks to him one on one at least once a week, asking him about the rehab and telling my son how impressed he is with his work ethic and participation with the team.
He comes home this weekend and we have visit with the surgeon. Hopefully he will get cleared to start the throwing program.
I have to say 3 and ½ months into this, I am truly proud of how he has taken this set back and turned it into a positive. He has been able to adjust to being 1500 miles away from home dealing with college classes and new people.
My hope is that the throwing program will be as successful as the other PT has gone so far.
Again, I have to give major props to his head coach and all the coaches at Junior5’s school. You hear stories about how kids get lost in the program when they are injured. This definitely NOT what we have experienced.