Latest update- Junior5 has experienced his 1st significant setback.
Last week as he started step 8 (120’ 3 sets of 25 throws) he felt some pain in his shoulder blade similar to the impingement he felt when all of this started. He went to his doctor, they confirmed that shoulder has no damage and still looks good.
They diagnosis was that muscles surrounding the shoulder weren’t strong enough to handle the 120” for 75 throws. They are having go back to step 6 (90” 2 sets of 25 throws), go back to doing some PT and that should get him back on track.
He saw his PT this morning, and he wants him to stay at 90” until he thinks the shoulder is strong enough to move to 120”. It appears he is going to be at least 4 weeks behind the projected completion of his throwing program.
My thought is that this isn’t a bad thing. He will continue to gain strength. As many of you have said in the past, this is an injury that has no definite time table. He just has to go with what his body is telling him.
He starts practice next week, He is still able to hit, catch bullpens, and participate to the extent where he isn’t throwing. I am still confident he could see some playing time as he was crushing the ball when he was home. (we all know if you are hitting, they coach will find a way to get you at bats).
Again, I have to say the kid is working his A$$ off and I am a very proud dad for the way he has handled this injury.