Legion ball is so dependent on area and players as to how competitive it was.My son played legion ball after his Junior and senior year and did a few showcases as well.
The legion teams he played against had many players that went on to D1 schools and now playing in the minor leagues.Our time with legion ball was a blast.The coaches that were in charge of our legion program just stepped dwon from coaching legions.Due to politics and drop off in competition level.
Its a decision that is hard to make for some kids.I dont think exposure after your sophmore year ia a bad thing.If your a good ball player you may spark a lot of interest for college if that is your goal.
To me in a way its sad that legion ball is disappearing in many areas.years ago it was a privelage to play and be chosen for legion ball as it was the best players from the local HS.
We as a family loved our time.My sons coaches had regular practices and worked on fundamentals where his showcase team didnt ever practice together often and would just show up for tournamants.Most were pretty good players and many were playing on their HS teams too.
Hard to say.But it seems the popular choice is the showcases.