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Reply to "Legion vs. Showcase"

njbaseballkid2015 posted.....I am a soph 16 3b/c from NJ and I am trying to decide between legion ball and showcase teams?
IMHO the answer is dependent on where you want to go to college and your goals. My son played both Showcase and Legion. When he went to national and regional showcases, he was contacted by national and regional colleges and universities that fit his profile. When he played Legion there were local & state colleges in attendence. So, if you seek a college that recruits nationally I would play showcase baseball and attend their camps. If you seek a local college or university that recruits mostly in state talent, I'd play Legion and attend their camps too. If you look at a current college roster that will tell you if they recruit nationally, regionally or locally. I hope that helps makes sense.

I guess my question really is, as a sophomore, how serious will coaches be about recruiting at showcase tourneys as a rising junior? As opposed to Legion? how significant is Legion ball to recruiting?
Coaches are not the kind of people that like to waste their time. Coaches do things for a reason. At your age, they want to see as many prospects as they can in a confined area. They'll develop a "watch" list and possibly contact your travel coach if they are interested. Your travel coach will contact you. So alot of that will depend on the team you play on (do they get a lot of exposure, are there other good players on your team?) and the connections your coach has with college coaches.

Of course, National showcases get the most attention becasue they attract the most coaches and recruits. If you can stand out in that national showcase crowd, you will get a lot of attention. If you don't, you'll need to find other ways of getting the coaches attention. In my oldest son's case, he got the coaches attention through his baseball skill AND academics. We attended the Head First showcase and my son received quite a bit of attention because of his grades. In any event, as a high school sophomore you need to understand there are alot of different strategeies to get recruited, and each school is unique. Research each school that you are interested in to determine where they recruit, who they recruit, when they recruit and how they recruit. (Hint start with Rutgers. Compare and contrast Rutgers with Princeton, Kean and Montclair State). Use HSBBWeb as one of your research tools. Good luck!
Last edited by fenwaysouth