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Reply to "Legion vs. Showcase"

In NJ Legion still has a very good following. However with recent movements and ofcourse Diamond Nation, locating in NJ Showcase summer teams are now taking over.

If your legion team is strong, and will make it to the Regional and State playoffs, you will get some exposure. If you stick with this route, I would suggest a showcase or 2 in different areas. Some may not believe it but coaches do pass their information along to other coaches, not in conferance of course.

If you decide to go with a showcase/travel team outside of legion you can't go wrong either. It will be more expensive but with certain teams you will get to experience more, as well as have opportunity to have better coaching (in some cases). One upside I have found in recruiting, is showcase teams often have their players well prepared to step on to a college campus and play.

Legion baseball is dying a slow death in PA and NJ right now. It might be time to make the jump.

Message me if you have any questions.