quote:Originally posted by masterofnone:
Yes that would be interesting. I did a little investigating and could not find anything like that. But good players are playing legion at some point, whether junior or senior legion. I agree that legion has lost some momentum, but I just don't think it's as dead as this thread is making it out to be.
Also, assuming the American Legion stats are correct, the highest ratio of travel/club players to Legion players in the MLB is 2:1. You can check my math on that.
As many have said, IMHO it is all about the area of the country where the legion ball is being played.
In NJ, and the immediate area the OP is asking about, there are very few Legion teams that can compare to the club teams that have become prevalent over the last several years. On the other hand the Toms River Black Sox run a first class organization and actually do draw interest from college and pro scouts. They also have some pretty famous alumni who have and are currently playing college, pro,and MLB baseball.