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Reply to "Lesson Prices"

I paid $30 for 30 min lessons once a week. This was about 2 years ago. Many of the lessons I've observed in the neighboring cages, were more along the lines of paying someone to throw BP, with feedback. We figured my spouse and I could do at least that, so my son didn't have that sort of lesson. He didn't take lessons for his swing. I would just video his plate appearances. If we noticed anything off, we'd show him and we'd get to work on making an adjustment. He took lessons specifically to evaluate and adjust his throwing motion (not pitching and he's not a pitcher). He was taught new mobility exercises to do daily and the lesson time was used to make adjustments to his throwing motion so he could continue to practice on his own until the next week.

As for speed training we just signed him up with the local indoor track club for the winter season. Today it's listed as being $100/season. I believe I paid less because it was a couple of years ago and we had a sibling discount. Did he look out of place among the runners?...yes, absolutely. Was it worth it?... Absolutely. When you're talking sprints, proper technique will significantly improve those 60 and home to 1st times. Track coaches are the most knowledgeable in how to get faster.
