Appreciate all the replies! Definitely agree that quality and fit matter more than just the price. Just to clarify—these rates are pretty much the going rate across the board in my area. We’ve got 7–8 different baseball/travel ball facilities within 30 minutes, and they’re all in the $70+ range for 30-minute lessons and $100+ for an hour. Around 75% of them don’t even offer 30-minute sessions anymore. The only non-travel-team-affiliated facility, our local D-BAT, charges $60 for 30 minutes.
My son does a few pitching lessons each season and I noticed the rates at the place we use jumped almost 20% since the fall. That’s what prompted me to start looking around again and why I was curious to hear what others across the country are paying. Baseball in the Northeast has absolutely skyrocketed in price since 2019 and I’m trying to figure out if this is a regional thing or just the direction the sport is heading overall.