The running gets the blood pumping and moving
So does dynamic stretching and any other movement of the body.
to help relieve soreness in the arm and body.
Really? Could you please cite scientific evidence of this?
When a pitcher feels less sore he is able to get back into action throwing again.
It serves as a way to recover quicker,
False. In fact, the exact opposite happens.
feel better
This is subjective, so I can't really argue against it.
and could help avoid later injuries.
Like what? How could distance running prevent future injuries?
It also provides an opportunity to build endurance.
False. Distance running builds aerobic endurance and minimizes anaerobic endurance - which is the energy system required to perform at an optimal level for baseball. In fact, distance running lowers testosterone levels.
A pitcher that is in shape can pitch longer in long innings, long games, and long seasons.
(distance) Running can help keep pitchers physically fit to perform.
If it decreases energy, strength, and testosterone, how?
Last but not least, when you are on a distance run, you have a lot of time to think and a lot of time to listen to your inner dialogue. That voice inside your head that says keep going or quit, Ive had enough. Its the same voice you listen to when your on the mound. So in your distance running, push yourself and learn how to make yourself go when the going gets tough.
Sure, because jogging at a continuous pace for an extended period of time has so much in common with forcefully maximizing your body's movement at 100% capacity for short bursts of time numerous times throughout a game, all while strategically formulating a game plan.
Knowing the purpose of distance running and then getting it done will give you confidence on the mound.
I knew that distance running was stupid for baseball, and I was plenty confident on the mound.
Here are some scientific studies explaining exactly why no baseball players should run distance:
If anyone else would like, I'm sure I can find many other studies. The moral is this…NO baseball players, at any position, should be doing any distance running at all. Any coach that advises a player to run distance does not understand the kinetic chain of the human body, and is simply not helping players optimize their physical capabilities. Players: DO NOT RUN LONG DISTANCE. IT DOES NOTHING FOR YOU.
EDIT: In rereading this post, I sense that it may come off as a personal attack. If so, I apologize - I don't mean for it to read that way at all. I simply do not want to see baseball players make the same training mistakes I made. We have access to facts and I want them shared with as many people as possible. I want to challenge information, not intellect. I want to clear that up before any responses.