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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

BaseballInstructor50- Even with ALL the evidence saying that distance running is bad for pitchers, there's still no way to convince you to stop? Really? Every expert in the field says that it's bad, but you want to continue to do it? That makes absoluteIy no sense to me whatsoever. I promise you, with 100% confidence, that your success was because of your talent and not because of your distance running. Having players run distance will not help them. No evidence has ever come out on the contrary. I understand that you did it during your playing career - I did too. But that doesn't mean it's beneficial. Continuing to have your clients run distance will not help them, and I would not be able to recommend your services to anyone in good faith for their long-term well being if you continue this practice.


If there is anyone reading that I CAN convince to stop running distance, please speak up here or in private. I don't really know what else I can do - all of the evidence I provided above is quite overwhelming and plentiful - but I'll most certainly try. Distance running is bad for baseball, and no one should do it. 


BOF- thanks for the contributions.


Last edited by J H