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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

Originally Posted by LAball:

There is no evidence. Those studies can be easily picked apart as they are not pitching specific. Do you know anaerobic energy is only used after  aerobic energy is used up? So   a quality study first need to distinguish wether pitching is aerobic or anaerobic . 


JH. Answer this, football is all about explosion , in fact each play last for only 10 seconds and they get to rest a few and reset. By your studies you say thet football players shouldnt do distance work?



Jogging ng increases blood flow to the whole body, and in our case the arm. Is washes out all the waste products such as lactic acid and bring in neutricients to heal the micro tears. 





What? Did you actually read any of the links I provided? Pitching is anaerobic, and therefore an anaerobic threshold needs to be established and increased in order to optimize performance. Lactic acid is not waste, it's necessary for recovery. Those are two main tenets of everything I provided. I'd suggest reading the evidence before telling me there's no evidence. Or, consult with leading kinesiologists, biomechanical researchers, strength and conditioning coaches, and orthopedists, like I have (or that, ya know, wrote the evidence I provided), who all say the same exact thing. Distance running is bad for baseball.


I am not familiar with football-specific training so I can't speak to the accuracy of the following assumption. But, knowing the typical movements of a football player throughout a game, I would imagine that training for the sport is similar and that there would be a significant lack of benefit to distance running because of the same principles. Short burst, quick twitch, forceful movements for a small period of time are the sport-specific movements, so I'd imagine optimal training would be aligned in a similar fashion.


Once again, for lurkers of this thread…there is NO benefit to long distance running for baseball. I wish anyone luck finding evidence to the contrary.


Last edited by J H