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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

Originally Posted by LAball:

There is no evidence. Those studies can be easily picked apart as they are not pitching specific. Do you know anaerobic energy is only used after  aerobic energy is used up? So   a quality study first need to distinguish wether pitching is aerobic or anaerobic . 


JH. Answer this, football is all about explosion , in fact each play last for only 10 seconds and they get to rest a few and reset. By your studies you say thet football players shouldnt do distance work?



Jogging ng increases blood flow to the whole body, and in our case the arm. Is washes out all the waste products such as lactic acid and bring in neutricients to heal the micro tears. 




After a simple google search that took me about 3 seconds, I came across this: "In the research study conducted by Potteiger et al. (1992), the researchers found that mean V02 only reached 20 ml. kg.min during the simulated game, and returned to 4.9 between innings (resting is 3.5 The V02s of endurance athletes are approximately greater than or equal to 60 Based off this study, V02 does not seem to be a limiting factor for pitchers who want to pitch deep into games. Since a high V02 does not make a great pitcher, why are we training like an endurance athlete, when pitching relies predominately on the anaerobic system? While jogging may help you with body composition and endurance, it’s not going to help you throw more innings in a game. Our emphasis should be on building strength and speed, which are more anaerobic qualities."
