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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

I've never met Eric Cressey. I've never paid him a penny of my money, nor has he paid me a penny of his. We have no affiliation. I appreciate evidential research, and he provides some of the best on the topic. His evidence is not "against the grain." The fact of the matter is, that you - and everyone else who preaches distance running - don't have any evidence. As I mentioned before, distance running is bad for baseball. If you disagree, you are WRONG. There is no in between. And there is no evidence that says otherwise. 


My statements have nothing to do with any affiliation beyond an affiliation with the truth. The truth is, distance running does nothing for baseball. That's it. Period, the end. I can't force you, or anyone else, to stop preaching it. I can only attempt to pass along the truth. And if people aren't willing to accept the (blatantly obvious) truth, then I simply won't refer clients to those people.


Last edited by J H