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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

Originally Posted by playball2011:

Lactic acid does not cause soreness
its out of body 60 min after  exercise
soreness shows up 12-24 hrs later in muscles.
Its tares in fibers/muscles
if l acid is culpret then a little running is all pitchers need and they would never have soreness. Boy sign me up.


Agree the majority of soreness comes from tares. Not sure about the lactic acid being gone in 60 minutes. I've read theory's for and against that. Compaired to say heart disease, there's  actually very limited research on these subjects and rightfully so they are not life threatining. I just don't see why people are so absolute in their opinions on training. It's worse than politics and religion haha. If lactic acid caused the soreness then a light jog might help. If micro tares cause it a light jog might still help. If a light jog does nothing then what? Someone wasted a whole 7-8 minutes of their life. I don't know the answers. I'm not a pitcher. I just know there is a lot of fallacial arguments being thrown around on both sides baised on opinions and being stated as fact.

If someone says they are having the pitchers throw 1,000 pitches a day. Go nuts on them but someone saying they have a kid do a little running and treat them like they are a cancer. Really?
Last edited by Scotty83