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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

I have no interest getting involved in this debate.  It's interesting that a few recent posts Involve what I believe.  I wouldn't doubt if those posts came from some older guys like myself.


When you look back over a long period of time you remember those things you were taught and believed to be 100% accurate.  Only to then find out they were 100% wrong!


Here is what I "think" is a true statement.  We keep learning, much of what was considered right years ago has been proven wrong.  So it is reasonable to think that much of what is considered right today will be proven wrong at some point. Someone will be there to prove it!


No one can stop this action!  The things we know today are going to change.  We will know much more in the decades to come.  That includes training, the medical field, baseball and everything else.


That said, we only have what is known today to go by. 


Not to change the subject, but it would by an interesting study to take the most successful pitchers that ever lived and see what they had in common from training to performing.  


I'm not sure there will be a lot of similarities other than they all had talent and potential.  I don't think you can take any kid and turn him into a successful pitcher.  If that kid doesn't have the potential, it ain't happening IMO!  Good instructors can make anyone better.  But no instructor can make every kid good enough.  


A long time ago I was considered a running expert.  Every single kid I ever worked with would improve their running ability.  It was fun working with talented athletes.  It was frustrating working with kids that had no talent.  Sure the 8.5 60 kids would improve to 8 flat.  They improved greatly, but they were still too slow to play.


While talking about instruction... And this has nothing to do with anyone in this thread... People need to understand there is some very BAD instructors out there making money off of unsuspecting people.  Often the biggest target is the kid that has already proven to have a lot of talent.  After all, if that instructor gets involved with someone that makes it big, business gets better.  


A couple years ago we saw a sophomore in high school that we thought had early round potential in two years.   He was throwing upper 80s but with the quickest smoothest arm action.  He was already 6'4" with great natural mechanics.  He said no one had ever worked with him, he just kind of taught him self how to pitch.  In other words he had natural ability!


One year later we saw this kid again at the same event.  I was really looking forward to see how much progress he made.  What happened was so very disappointing.  He still threw pretty much the same velocity, but now he looked stiff as a robot.  His mechanics and arm action went from fast and loose to tight and mechanical.  Had this been the first time we ever saw him, he wouldn't have been impressive at all.


I knew the answer, but asked him anyway.  Have you been working with an instructor?  He said yes after he attended last year an instructor contacted his dad offering his services.  Told his dad that he had watched the video and saw some things that the kid needed to work on and he could take the kid to another level.  Well, he did take the kid to another level, in fact several levels, DOWN! I told the dad the truth, the instructor was not helping a bit.


I did get the instructors name, just in case someone ever asked about him.  People will actually pay for bad advice!
