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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

Originally Posted by bballman:
Originally Posted by BOF:


bbman, good point, we certainly did get off track, but there is some great stuff in this thread for a player or dad looking for guidance. 


I agree, I know I've learned some things. I just hope the OP hasn't been run off, there were some harsh things said and overall, I don't think he's as far off base as maybe originally thought.


I still think he's absolutely clueless. He also spoke in a condescending nature to those trying to point out that altering his routine may be beneficial to his clients. I don't regret or take back what I said that was directed to the OP and if he has chosen not to take the advice given to him, that he has been run off.


Until BaseballInstructor50 decides to broaden the scope of his knowledge, I strongly recommend that no one takes him up on his services. In other pieces that I've discovered he's written on the Internet, he's advised things such as snapping your wrist to throw a curveball, and to not lift heavy weights as a pitcher because the "small muscle fibers" in the arm are what makes a pitcher throw harder and stay healthy. There's also a piece explaining how to put a substance on a glove so a pitcher can tamper with a ball.


This man is posing as an expert, and is trying to sell his bill of good here. When people approach him with logic, he mocks "science" and questions their "credentials." This man is a detriment to his clients and no one should afford him the opportunity to provide coaching about pitching.


He's plenty far off. I hope he gets run off until he learns something.


Last edited by J H