JH, I don't understand why you are trying to tear down what I do. I've had success and continue to pass it along. I said I respect your opinion. Would hope you respect mine. Respect is a big part of this game.
If you're currently in pro ball in some capacity please ask your colleagues if they think I am clueless or should not be working with young pitchers. You are attacking how I make a living and feed my family. You threw my name out earlier in the thread and now you're knocking me as an instructor. Please ask those around you, your bosses your coworkers about the type of player I was and the type of person I am.
You can ask Strom if I am qualified to teach how to throw a curveball. Ask Rick Short, Area scout with the Diamondbacks about me as a teammate. Craig Shipley how I was as a player or ask Donnie Reynolds.
Once again, I respect your opinion, respect mine.