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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

There was an article in Sunday's Washington Post profiling the routine of Nationals' pitcher Doug Fister. It is part of a series called " 162: A Baseball Season's Relentless Grind"


An excerpt follows below.


But even with that close monitoring, both by himself and the Nationals’ staff, Fister woke up the day after his start against Colorado feeling sore. “Just mentally, physically exhausted,” he said. It is like this for most every major league starter after most every major league start. “You can feel it,” Roark said. Fister’s response, at 7 a.m.: A 4 1/2-mile run with his fiancee. This is nothing more than cleansing. They are training for a half marathon together, so they took to the hills in northern Virginia. Even as a kid, only two things could truly wipe Fister’s brain clean: mowing the lawn and running. “It’s a mental and physical break for me,” Fister said. “I use the mental side of things just to clear my mind and enjoy nature.”


While I have no horse in the race as to whether distance running is good or bad for a pitcher, and don't care whether Doug Fister is "right" or "wrong",  I did find the choice of words to be interesting in light of the ongoing discussions in this particular forum topic. As an added bonus, I might have found my next lawnboy !
