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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

JH I have not seen any baseball specific work, but hey I am just a Dad trolling the of the computer coaches as Sultan pointed out earlier. 


What intrigues me however is what is actually happening during recovery from a physiological stand point? I found out about ice bath's from the sprinting coach and helping sprinters recovery and I though hmmmm why does that work? From a mechanical engineering standpoint heating and cooling cause expansion and contraction and with it fluid flow in a liquid environment. So what that has to do with a biological environment and the physiological effects of recovery in a pitcher?, I am not sure but it seems to work with them as well from practical observations. Kyle is on to something with compression sleeve's.


I have not gone to ASMI's site in a while and will check around there when I get a chance later in the week. 


From what I know a pitcher needs to:


1. Get some level of aerobic activity. I think a bike, rowing are preferred but running or light sprints seem to make sense to me.

2. Get some sort of movement in the area of potential damage so scar tissue does not develop. Bands, weighted balls, physical movement, not so much to further damage the muscle and soft tissue of the area.

3. Ice bath's seem to help in recovery within two days for some reason.

4. Late add: Yoga or Pilates are also encouraged in some college programs. Probably relates to 2. 


This is all based on anecdotal evidence on my part not on any medical expertise. I may go post some questions on ASMI like I said and get their response when I get some time later in the week.



Last edited by BOF