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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

Since we're now listing recovery stuff we do, here's a generic program that is a good shell of what our athletes do (programs are typically individualized but this is a good start):


After a tough throwing session (pitching, bullpen, weighted baseballs, long toss, etc), athletes will do this circuit in some order:


-Foam roll / self-myofascial release in various areas (lacrosse ball, SKLZ ball)

-Resistance band work, primarily external rotators

-Isometric holds in external rotation

-Internal rotation stretch of some sort

-Shoulder tube / Total Bar oscillations with arm in various positions

-Rebounders with plyocare balls

-Elbow extension stretch

-Stim using Marc Pro or Compex

-Voodoo flossing / compression wrapping on elbow


Then we might do some cardio, like interval-style Prowler sled pushes, Concept2 rowing, sprints, speed deadlifts, etc. Also some challenging open-chain stability work like waiter carries, overhead slosh pipe holds, maybe some upward external rotation tosses, etc.


If it sounds like a lot, it's because it is. We treat recovery like it's as important as the training effect (and in reality we should treat it like it's MORE important).
