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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

Originally Posted by roothog66:
Originally Posted by DeePee:

I also played big league baseball for a number of years and still am very active as an Personal coach. For all you who feel running for pitchers is a thing of the past, you are sadly mistaken. you need your legs and cardio vascular strength when it comes to those late innings. So baseball instructor 50 why try to convince the stubborn majority with knowledge intended to help a generation of future athletes. When a person tells me the game has changed and so have the techniques and mechanics I let them win. Although I have seen some of my former students recently get drafted into professional baseball. That's pretty good after teaching them a method that is outdated. Keep up the good work because with all of the travel teams and coaches pushing their philosophy this generation of kids will suffer the most. God bless you all for sharing both positive or negative

Gotta ask, DeePee, do you think that your students were drafted because of the long distance runing? Do you think they would not have been had they forgone the running?

No I believe both were going to get noticed because of the pitching performances and what was taught to them but what I am saying is running is apart of what we do and teach to future athletes. Have you been to Spring training or big league camp recently? For the larger part of early camp, conditioning or running is a major part of pitchers daily routine until the regular position players arrive. We are talking about total preparation both mentally and physically. Pitchers don't have to run marathons but they need to work there cardio and legs to keep up with the grind of a long season. Relievers and starters run at different levels and pace, but run. if your claim held water, why do guys like Kershaw and Greinke, Lackey and Chapmans show up to the ball park hours before anyone and run on there own? These guys are set for life but they run because they know it helps keep there body and mind peaked. Have you seen the Dominican players level of preparation, not to stereotype them but they understand and want to tap into everything that can help them excel And play above there competition. if your competition is running why not you? Running / training helps athletes excel Physically and mentally. so for me, I will keep telling young up and coming athletes to run right along with mechanical training. Not marathons but definitely do some running both long ( 2 to 3 miles) and short ( sprints, hills or dashes).  Again if you know any prospective young athletes that need guidance in Inland Empire California shoot them my info. God bless you
