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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

I guess I look at it this way.  Any conditioning and strength program offered today is better than nothing.  Baseball did the same things from 1900 right up til when the 80's?  Maybe the last 10 or 15 years we have become serious about trying to discover exactly what it is that helps a baseball player?  Science keeps advancing and kinesthetics (I think thats what its called, I am certainly no doctor) is no exception.  I would be leery of those who don't change.  More fuys than ever throw 90+.  Hard to compare offensive numbers but hitters seem to be as good if not better at the same time pitchers are throwing harder.  I believe the focus on specific baseball workouts have helped.  Without a control group (and really what college or professional player would agree to no workout program) it is an impossible point to prove but it seems to pass the common sense test to me.  But in fairness I am a numbers guy.  A show me scientific data guy, and I am not sure we can do this here.  I will continue to error on the side of modern methods.