I also played big league baseball for a number of years and still am very active as an Personal coach. For all you who feel running for pitchers is a thing of the past, you are sadly mistaken. you need your legs and cardio vascular strength when it comes to those late innings. So baseball instructor 50 why try to convince the stubborn majority with knowledge intended to help a generation of future athletes. When a person tells me the game has changed and so have the techniques and mechanics I let them win. Although I have seen some of my former students recently get drafted into professional baseball. That's pretty good after teaching them a method that is outdated. Keep up the good work because with all of the travel teams and coaches pushing their philosophy this generation of kids will suffer the most. God bless you all for sharing both positive or negative
This was your second post.
You referred to some of us as the stubborn majority.
That right there gave me a challenge to challenge.
In a discussion with son who plays baseball, the scenario is much different for a starter vs reliever. I understand that most HS players train as starters, but let me ask you a question and here is your challenge, how do YOU train pitchers, what plan do you lay out for them to do each day? Long distance running, sprints, poles, swim, weight training, agility excercises, yoga, etc (ask me if you don't understand what etc means.