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Reply to "Lets Talk Pitching - Ask/Discussion about pitching from professional instructor"

Originally Posted by roothog66:


I don't see an abundance of kids throwing high eighties in high school. Even looking at reports from PBR events in several states, I don't see a lot of high eighties to nineties. Most good programs will have at least three guys throwing 85+, but there are a lot of programs with only one or two. My son is at a 3A school in Colorado and they dominate with three guys throwing 83-85. In addition, I know of only one other 3A program in our state that can match that. A few of the 5A schools will have bigger numbers. Here in Colorado, I can only name about five or six guys that throw 90's.  However, I think many look at the big Florida/Georgia/California/texas schools like where Boltz's kids play and get the idea that this is the norm. It's not. In fact, I watched three D1 games this weekend outside the top conferences. What I saw was a lot of pitchers throwing low eighties and high seventies. In fact, watching the lafayett-Navy game, neither starter got above 83mph and routinely threw at 78-79.

Root was this on ESPN or something?  I was shocked when I gunned some D2 pitchers in the 70's recently.  I just don't understand.   How hard is it to throw 80mph?  It's the mph between say 83 and 90 that are really hard to get.  And Cheesy my school has 1200.  Big enough school just little or no interest in baseball.  And a state tournament without a guy over 85?  That is really hard to imagine.  In illinois (unless the system has changed) eight teams would go 'downstate'.  I wonder if there was ever a year without a guy over 85.  My alma mater and the first school I coached at has three at 87 plus and two of those in the 90's.  They pretty routinely have at least one guy in the 90's since about 1976.  And many years of multiple 90mph guys.  It would be facinating to know the velocity of every single D1 pitcher.