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Reply to "Lifting Correlations"

cabbagedad posted:
coachld posted:

You are getting good advice as the key with swayback is to address posterior pelvic tilt first and foremost. This is accomplished by addressing the tight/weak muscles of the hip complex. Strengthen the hip flexors, glutes, external obliques and stretch the hip extensors. In addition to hips, athletes with swayback should be addressing the upper-crossed syndrome (tight upper-traps, pecs, etc.) which would include improving thoracic spine mobility (extension and rotation). Thoracic rotation is what allows pitchers to create good hip/shoulder separation and thoracic extension is going to help alleviate stress on the low back during the pitching motion. Pitchers who throw hard, typically have great hip/shoulder separation which is only possible with good thoracic spine rotational  mobility.

Long story short...IMO...your son should also be working on corrective exercises for upper-body to include soft tissue/mobility work for thoracic spine to include extension and rotation.

Coach LD, why do you keep mixing in Mandarin and Hungarian with your English?    

