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Reply to "Lifts to benefit us Touch Guys behind the Plate!"

It is an 85 page eBook that is broken down like this:

Page 1: Cover

Page 2: Program Details

Page 3: Guidelines and Rules

Page 4: Needs Analysis

Page 5: Terminology

Pages 6-16: Pages that you would print off and take into the gym with you. It's the actual workout.

Pages 17-85: Photos and explanation of how to correctly do each exercise.

That would basically be the table of contents for the book. It is a 16 week workout that is 2 days/week. I think the exercises are good for catchers. In my opinion, I prefer a workout program that is at least 3 or 4 days/week and has some sort of conditioning in there as well.

I was kind of hoping that it would read a little more like a book, but it is just a workout program. I'm sure if you perform the workout you will get stronger, but it's not something you would sit down and read and learn much from. Honestly though, that's my mistake. I was assuming there would be more to it than just the workout but I shouldn't have because it wasn't advertised as such.