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Reply to "Little League and AL"

Originally posted by itsinthegame:
I dont think you read the post close enough.

I am against the use of metal bats because the ball flies off the bat at unnatural speed and distorts the game.

I dont like that.

You can use whatever inflammatory words you want to argue for it or against it - and you can do the same in your description of people who take either side as well.

But here is a fact that is neither conjecture nor perception.

Regardless of what any self-interested metal bat manufacturer - or their representatives tell you - the ball comes off the bat faster than it does off a wood bat.

What did I ever say that’s any different? I don’t like the way the game has gone with metal either! I’m not trying to be inflammatory at all. All I’m saying is, safety hasn’t been proven to be a good enough reason to do away with the darn things.

Does the ball come off of metal bats faster than wood? Not necessarily. Under the very precise conditions the tests are made, they don’t! But, since those very precise conditions are ridiculous in that they don’t cover a wide enough range of NORMAL playing conditions, the standard means little or nothing.

Now here’s a question for you. what have you done to try to stem the metal bat tide, other than to tell me I’m wrong for the way I think?

Have you refused to cave in and force you son to hit with nothing other than wood? I did! Unfortunately the HS coach said that if he only wanted to use wood, he wouldn’t get to bat in games. End of story.

Have you refused to allow your son to pitch? If I honestly believed my boy was in more than the normal danger expected for a pitcher, I would have refused my permission. That’s a parent’s job! If everyone did that rather than to just complain about it, it would change!

Maybe I should change my signature block to: Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die! angel
Last edited by Scorekeeper