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Reply to "Little League Screws Things Up Even More"

I'm fine with the new LL age. My son played LL until he was a 12u, unfortunately they were never able to get out of their district. He wanted to experience that, even at the expense of missing some travel games. He loved it and I'm glad that he had the opportunity.

Now if we could only fix the whole grad year thing, so that my 2017 15 year old would play with kids his age instead of so many 16, 17 and 18 year old 2017's. There are so many kids that will start college at 19 and 20 that it is laughable.  It's bothered me at times, but my son could care less. All it's done for him is force him to constantly face older players. Personally, I believe it's part of the reason that he was able to make and start on the HS varsity team as a freshman. First one in almost 20 years of the HC's career. It drove him to beat out sophomores, juniors and seniors last year and it will do the same should he be fortunate to play in college.