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Looking further afield to D2, D3

My favorite subject: getting inside a college coach's head! But what would a college coach (D2 or D3)think if he receives an initial inquiry today from a senior that he has not heard from before? I mean, would they think "oh, this guy must be freaking out because he hasn't gotten any calls from D1s yet and now he's calling any old college?" Actually, not the case for our son. He's finally decided that he simply must attend a college that offers his major..and his major is offered at many fine schools that are D2, D3 and NAIA. Initially, he wanted D1 or thought he wanted only D1...but he "woke up" recently and is finally "listening" to advice from others and wants to actually consider academics first and foremost. I just wonder if coaches will think less of him or consider him as an afterthought because he didn't contact them months ago. Or if there's a good way to approach them in this situation. I counselled son to be completely honest and mention his academic interests right from the get-go and then bring baseball into it. Any thoughts?
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