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Reply to "Malicious Contact?"

Originally posted by otownmike:
No. What I am speaking to is my absolute amazement and doubt that any statewide organization affiliated with NFHS would invite the liability that would accompany forcing an underage youth to leave the supervision provided by the school at an interscholastic activity. Effin' incredible, completely irresponsible, and contrary to FED policy.

Kid gets hit by a car on his way home when he could have still been with his coach. Your state really wants to open itself up to that?

I've sent an email to the Justin Harrison of the Florida group to confirm that they are really that stupid. I'll post what he replies.

As for ejecting fans, no rules code of which I'm familiar, Bob Davidson not withstanding, gives that authority to umpires. Rather they specfically do not extend that authority to umpires.


I was not referring to school sponsored baseball (only HS in Orlando-no middle school teams), ejecting HS players, as obviously they would be required to be supervised in the dugout and ride bus if applicable. I was speaking more of youth league/travel ball players ejected who would leave the park with their parent present then they stay in dugout.(rare since a parent(s) are generally at games).

As for abusive fans, umpires absolutely can have them removed from the field area.....generally I will go to the coach first since they are responsible for their fan's coduct and see if they can get them away from the stands/backstop area after warning, however if it persists the fan will go, believe me!

Under OBR the umpire has no such authority. Under FED the umpire has no such authority. Under NCAA the umpire has no such authority. As an umpire, I am obligated to follow the rules. I don't make sh!t up.