quote:SultanofSwat said......hmmm... if the Broncos don't win 8 games next year, or don't go to the playoffs, they will run him out of town. Manning may or may not be able to recover from his neck injury. This may be the biggest gamble in NFL history.
quote:FoxDad said.....Long time Denver fan here.
Sure, on paper, Peyton makes the Broncos a SB contender now, but the game ain't played on paper. Short term this will be a great move if Manning stays healthy. If he doesn't, the fans will be on a witch hunt.
Guys this is exactly why I'm saying Elway is a lot smarter and savvier than preveiously thought. He isn't listening to the fans to make decisions about the future of the organization. Someone has to be the adult. Elway clearly recognized that Tebow did not have the ability to run or sustain a pro offense any time soon. Elway would know these things. Tebow is a nice guy, but he just doesn't have it in him to do this. Fans are fickle, and it would have been a matter of time before Elway would have been run out for sticking with Tebow had Manning not have been available. It really is a no-brainer. Bottom line.....Manning @ 90% is a lot less risky than Tebow @ 100%. I'm going to go out on a limb here to say Manning will go to HOF. He has the credentials. It really is a no brainer for Elway. He has a tough job, and it isn't a popularity contest. Someone has to make the tough decisions. I tip my cap to Elway.