Tebow can't even be traded without drama:
Tim Tebow trade to New York Jets for Broncos draft picks hits snag
Jets' management looked closer at Tebow's contract after agreeing to the deal. The contract says any team acquiring Tebow has to kick back more than $5 million to the Broncos in advanced salaries from the 2012, 2013 and 2014 seasons, according to an NFL source.
Tebow received $6.277 million in salary advance during the 2011 season. The breakdown of that advance: $1,213,750 in 2011 (the Broncos paid); $1,425,000 in 2012; $1,691,250 in 2013; and $1.92 million in 2014.
The Broncos expect the Jets to pay them back those salary advances from 2012-14 per Tebow's contract. The Jets are balking. This deal may die.