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Marshall mechanics


I am whom you think, as you know I have been involved with Marshall’s theories for a long time now and have found them to be all that he has claimed and more. I did not know about the tall ones injury. I was a little upset when I found out that the he had chosen pitching when his catching was so superior to other catchers and his arm was well you know, but the bat, what a loss!! I hope he at least ends up in the National league. It reminds me of one of the great Dodger blunders when they did not recognize Darren Dreiforts true talent. I’m not saying any wrong decisions were made I just believe
Pitchers are a dime a dozen great hitters are born.

Tell me about the young one??

Its ironic to me the way I think now because of the controversy over Marshall’s bottom half mechanic when it is the top half discovery that is the most important for throwers.
Marshall contends that the reason for so many retired MLB pitchers end up getting knee and hip replacement surgeries is because of the traditional glove side leg closed stress from striding so far and then slamming on the brakes wears on these areas.
As you may or may not know Marshall believes you should keep you’re legs forward and drive the way infielders and outfielders throw, a crow step motion?
I believe his full motion would help the tall one but unfortunately it would also be getting him sent home!

“Even if a pitcher has arm problems, it does not always mean that their mechanics are bad”.

Yes, I’ve heard this theory before and in many cases this can be true.
Which injuries are you speaking of?

“You know that pitching puts a tremendous strain on the arm regardless of Traditional/Marshall mechanics.”

Absolutely, Both are ballistic activities. This is why Marshall is not in favor of children under the Biological age of 13 not pitch much in competition because even with his none injurious top half mechanics it perturbs the growth plates in the arm bones just as with the traditional pitching mechanic.

”I really feel in "The Tall Ones" case, he started getting soreness in his arm”

I had heard nothing about his arm, forget about his arm!! His arm is fine; just tell him to get his elbow and ball up to driveline height before his glove side foot lands. (This eliminates UCL over stress during initial forward force) Get his stride foot to land to the glove arm side of center mass and keep it short to stay taller, this will relieve some of the stress in his hips and help him throw more down hill. He should pronate most of his pitches or all of them and get his elbow up during his ball drive like Lincecum. This eliminates Labrum grind and forearm flyout that causes front and back of shoulder problems and much of the debilitating inflammation.

“because of his lower half injury.”

Congenital abnormalities are usually exposed by maximal effort sporting activities, Bo Jackson an extreme but good example of this. Sounds like he’s ready to go

“I won't get in a debate with you.”

I only look at it as information and then test it.

“I know that you have a lot more ammunition than I do."

Again I don’t look at it in this way, this isn’t football why the war terms.
By the way what’s in his arsenal!?
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