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Reply to "Marshall mechanics"

The anti-Marshall guys as described by them selves do not want this information disseminated

"The overwhelming majority of baseball involved higher-level coaches have no scientific back ground what so ever because of the way the system works."

They don't see results.

"I totally agree with you, his full version is aesthetically repugnant, the same problem Fosbury had. Now the scissors kick is repugnant."

Marshallites continue to hang on one of the few examples of unorthodoxy that prevailed. It didn't take the Fosbury Flop forty years to catch on. Why? He demonstrated success.

"Yes, softball pitchers throw center mass from down below that allows them to throw every inning of every game because they do not injure them selves."

Not true. They injure other parts of their body (knees, hips) from pitching too much.

Marshall may understand all the science. He may have perfected a way for pitchers to minimize injury. The problem is the techinique has not proved to be effective from a baseball success standpoint at the high end of the game. Therefore it's useless science.