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Reply to "Marshall mechanics"


“You clearly are set in your ways”

I was somewhat set in my ways for 25 years of teaching the traditional mechanics

“I see no reason why people should turn to Marshall's mechanics”

I agree here, you see no reason.

“so arguing this is pointless”

Yes, but pointing out the traditional flaws will help some young coach or player if we discuss these issues.


Valiant try! Glad to see you are still in the game but you have gotten these physiological tenets wrong again.

“Yardbird you throw a bunch of words together with out even knowing what they mean”

I pretty much know what they mean! You are the one using the yard term “stretch” not me! Then not putting together the timeline in which they are used.

“Pitchers like Lincecum pre-stretch the muscles of the core (Frame 88)”

Yes, this is how the often-manifested injury at the obliques is attained, and then the separation you see is lost later long before the ball is actually going forwards.

“Marshall thinks muscles do not stretch”

So do all professors in Kinesiology! They use the term contraction from full length and the word stretch has no meaning here. Only laymen who pretend to know how physiology works by making ignorant comments about it and then repeated by all get this wrong. Muscle cells do not stretch, they are finite length material and if stretched after attaining full length will rupture.
The confusion comes from the “theory” of “stretch shortening cycle” that has a completely different meaning than the poor choice of words used to describe this theoretical phenomenon neural auto firing at bounce after full length has been achieved.

“then powerfully contract”

Yes, contract from full length

“more powerfully than the triceps muscles can on its own”

Who said the triceps is acting alone? Lincecum actually uses his triceps unlike traditional pitchers with their late humeral transition. When traditional pitchers should be using their Triceps they are actually firing off the antagonist muscle the Brachialis that is always miss-diagnosed as bicep tendonitis and their Pechtoralis as the primary mover where Tim and Tyler are using their Latissimus dorsi instead of the Peck’s as their primary mover.

“ The leg plant helps initiate the turn of the powerful hips”

It does not “help” initiate it! It initiates it and at frame 88 not 130.
At 130 the ball actually starts heading towards home plate, notice the hips have already been spent and the torso has caught back up with the hips loosing all the previous length that puts this part of the actual drive mechanism exactly the same as Marshall’s but at a later timeline.
This separation is actually used up in turning over his humerus (humeral/forearm transition) outwardly then when the shoulders catch back up with the hips the ball then starts homewards bound by then inwardly rotating the humerus, this action is where Marshall wants to see it and Tim and Tyler both produce it although not as far back as he wants but better than traditional pitchers.

“THIS is why Lincecum and Tyler can throw hard”

The only reason Tim and Tyler have superior velocity is they poses a higher percentage of fast twitch type II A and B muscles fibers. I wish you would believe me but it really does not matter! You have been told this many times but do not seem to understand this simple physiological tenet.

“not because of Marshall”

Marshall is not the cause of their superior genetics and nobody has said he was.
By getting this confused with calling out kinesiological aspects of the baseball pitching motion in any form shows you just keep getting things more and more confused.
Last edited by Yardbird