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Reply to "Marshall mechanics"


“Here's an article with an interview with Williams while with the Cardinals for those interested”.

Nobody cares TPM accept you! You are the one posting questions and making comments on this subject, I have answered all your question with my opinion and always will, I wish you would do the same.

”I am not going to say anything negative towards him”

Yet, the reason for your questions and original thoughts are un-known?

“I give him lots of credit for trying to get back in the game”

What he went through to get back was grueling, long and what nobody on earth has game through to get ready correctly for competition and he succeeded but that’s not nothing compared to what he is going through right now getting ready for elite military competition. Good thing he went through Dr.Marshalls program and was taught what it takes to get ready.

It's unfortunate that instead of being a bit thankful for the opportunity(which he was).

What does his humble reaction have to do with others thoughts on the subject?
You have a problem lumping peoples thoughts together that is quit unsettling.

“you guys turned the whole thing around”

Is this what your after? A recognition by me (to you us) that I have a different opinion than his?

Perhaps that's why you all have to hide behind whoever you say is one of your pupils.

You live in this perhaps, maybe, coulda, world that is probably going to turn into shoulda.
I have not said who is one of my pupils ever! Sanches is it and again because you asked not because I originally give this information, They have all been dug out by concerned posters like you.

“no one wants to deal with the negative stuff afterwards”

What do you consider this line of statements you are bringing here are?
You trying to start a negative snotty argument because this is how you get people riled up and make negative posting rhetoric increases, that get them removed as you did it in the past, will not work with me, please clean up your drive.

He was 28 years old, where did you think he would be assigned?

When an adult athlete has trained correctly “sport specifically” for 720 days straight he can then start his maintenance program that includes the decreasing of weight and reps of hid overload training and increase his ballistic training daily, this is where Joe was in his training, just starting to throw to catchers. At this point he should have thrown to catchers for 2 weeks then live batting practice batters for two weeks then scrimmage live competition for two weeks then game competition. Joe skipped 2 phases and was asked to throw competition in extended spring, he did so well for that week that they asked him to sign and go right to AA. This is OK if the pitching coaches and managers know what they are doing, good luck with that. Joe needed 6 weeks of ballistic competition to be ready, this should have been given him by the upper management but they are unaware of training timelines with each individual, let alone Joe and his regimen.
With Marshalls Crowstep mechanic Joe produced a completely non-injurious force application (I’ll bet the brain trust did not understand this also) and would have been able to pitch competitively into his mid fifties, this would have given him a 25 year career?

Why don't you prepare your guys to work with catchers so when the opportunity arises they are ready?

He was in the process of shutting it all down late in the spring because nobody wanted to hand him the ball, a this point I believe he had already joined the Navy. He was just demonstrating what the possibilities were and are by completing his training and finishing experimentations with and for Marshall so they could record the results of the full training program plus the recoil program. The Cardinal lower development people wanted to take a look so they invited Marshall and Joe to come on over for a while.
Now, I don’t know about them or you but if it were me I would have had every inning and angle high speed video’d of Joe for my programs (this should be done with all) evolvement, maybe they don’t have a year round intense program and pros can just do it the way it has always been done by just showing up for spring training?


“How hard did he throw?”

He threw with maximal effort every time on every pitch, I believe his fastballs if you meant how much velocity he had at that time had a pretty good tail on it to both sides was 86 to 90 and when he would have attained full ballistic shape after 6 weeks of competition he would have been 88 to 92 and possibly even higher months later. Joe was a lefty.
Last edited by Yardbird