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Reply to "May of Junior year + sudden injury = Post Grad year / re-class & many questions (pls help! 😳)"

@YachtRocker posted:

Yes, we are doing that - He's had MRI & MRArthogram & we have a MLB team's medical director that we are consulting with directly who is a family friend, as well as a second surgeon looking at him as well..  We are in very good shape there.

But, and this might seem crazy, somehow I'm actually able to do more than one thing at a time.  😐

I was simply trying to think ahead & get some freaking answers about the possibilities of, & how to handle potentially planning, a post grad year..

.. Anybody know anything about THAT?

You are feeling like these answers are unsatisfactory because people on here are telling you to focus on taking care of your son and his here-and-now injury, while you are asking about the downstream effects of his injury and rehabilitation on recruiting, eligibility, position on the field, redshirting, scholarships, test scores, and the MLB draft.  


Take care of your son. He is so much more than a baseball player. He needs your support during surgery and rehab. And if an extra year of school helps him heal better before he resumes playing baseball than so be it.
