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MLB signing players out of high school

I think it's fairly easy for us to understand why the NFL doesn't sign players straight our of high school. If for nothing else, they aren't physically prepared. I'm not a hockey fan so I can't speak to what they do in signing players. The NBA does but I don't think it's as prevalent and only a handful are chosen.


But for MLB it is wide open and hundred's of kids straight out of high school are drafted to play. Bypassing the college experience and in many cases the importance of learning how to make good and smart decisions along the way. Choices that impact them in the now and in their future. And when they don't make wise decisions and face certain failures, setbacks, adversities, mistakes, discipline, etc that they learn how to dig in and hopefully do better the next time they face a particular similar dilemma. Their maturity and social levels are for the most part very lacking and irresponsible. 


With all the money that MLB is prepared to hand out to these high school seniors to come play for them one would think that they would promote and/or encourage each team to develop some type of program in which these younger boys would partake in to grasp what is expected of them, but more importantly teach them social graces, making wise decisions, investing, DRUG/substance education, etc. I know that thought is far fetched, but is dishing out millions only to lose a large percentage of it in their best interest? I think not. 


We had a local player here about 3-4yrs ago get signed out of high school by the Dodgers. High draft pick. He has yet to play a full season of MiLB ball and the last time I saw him he was tattooed on almost every square inch of his body. 


Below is another story of a talented player who signed straight out of high school. I just can't help but wonder why MLB doesn't think about drafting players until they've played maybe 2 years of baseball at minimum just to mature a little. Then they might actually be able to get some of that investment back with each players potential and talents.


This isn't a slam on MLB but rather a thought to discuss among the group.




"The difference between excellence and mediocrity is commitment." Twitter: @KwwJ829

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