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Reply to "MMWS"

I'll tell you right now the Midland Braves will probably be able to hit the baseball a ton. Last year their line-up was very strong with power, but one stud pitching performance shut them down. My bet is on DBAT or a team from California. Most likely because I feel the best baseball represented in this world series comes from Dallas and California. Last year the California Angels (if I remember correctly) gave us one great game that required a 7th inning come back.

This is all my opinion which isn't much to count for. I think DBAT will have to get some great pitching performances to win (possibly from unlikely candidates), there is no doubt they will hit. I still say the Giants do not have enough depth at pitching... CC can't throw every game. Having said that, if they get to the final with him on the mound, they have a great chance.