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Reply to ""Mom, have you seen my cup?""

A good friend of mine was the baseball team mother for her son's young baseball team. The guys on the team were at the age when they thought the "cups" were just so cool and they would always be doing "cup checks" on each other by banging on them! Anyway...because the "cups" were such a topic of conversation that particular year amongst the young guys, my friend decided to incorporate "cups" into the end of the year party for the team. She used CLEAN AND NEW cups for dip, salsa and condiment holders on the tables. She even bought cups and tied balloons to them (the cups anchored the balloons to the table) for the centerpieces. It was hilarious to see the guys reactions. I wonder what Martha Stewart would have to say about my friend's choice of "baseball decor"?

Didn't She know they Test Try on those Cups to see if they fit at the Factory.

OOOOOIm BAD, I'm sorry, I couldn't Help Myself. Please forgive me.

That was SOOOOOWroooong MISTER. the EH. Exiled Poster On HSBBW?