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Reply to "Moms as the sports parent"

Good for you twotex. While I didn't go out and catch and spend time in the cages like dad did, I do feel that I was very instrumental in the recruiting process and much of what went on in HS. My husband was in a business that took him away from us much during some of the HS years, so it was up to me to make sure that homework got done and he got to practice on time.

Also, have found that son often talks to me first, as I am usually the one who listens while dad is the ones with opinions. We both have a role. Smile

Fungo is correct, being a parent is the most important thing, not which parent you are but being one and not one that can catch or throw for batting practice!

I have been told on several occassions by some individuals here that I know not much about baseball, that's such BS, it's because I am a MOM and not a DAD. Some people just can't stand that.
Last edited by TPM