I have mixed feeling on this, even with a player in pro ball. A signing bonus is relevant to worth and talent.Most of these guys getting big bucks, are most likely gonna get bigger bucks later on. I just don't see a team paying millions and millions of dollars (50 the rumor is) for a player who has never played in the pro game.
FWIW, milb is not about being comfortable, it's about being uncomfortable. It's about having to sleep on the floor on a bus on an overnight ride to your next destination, it's about ****** food and living with 3-5 guys to meet your expenses. Much more uncomfortable than at school, that's for sure. One has a choice when they sign on the dotted line, this will be your life, and sacrifices (making more money somewhere else) are enormous.
Players have to be able to understand that the real rewards come through hard work and I really do believe the system is designed to make them work hard, those that don't, don't move forward.
My son got a decent bonus, yes he could have gotten more, do I as a parent think he was worth more? That's pretty hard to tell unless you can see them on the field with other players, to determine their worth. And most of these kids just pee away whatever money they are given to try to make their lives more comfortable. Many of them work hard just to make the next level and can live with that, many won't stop there, never happy until they get to the final destination, or reality sinks in that they most likely will not. That's when having a plan B works. I am glad he didn't get more, I want him to work for it, that's the only way he's gonna get there. BTW, what company gives you a 110K or a million bucks to sign on with them? Let me know?
In general, bonuses still remain low. The really big buck guys actually get that because they sign MLB contracts, their bonus is just small part of that and it's paid out over a long time period. In reality they are going to eventually get it one day anyway, because their talent commanded it.