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Reply to "My time to brag!!!!!!"

I can't resist it guys. My dad said he would brag on here, and he sure did. Thanks dad, I appreciate it as always, but I have this urge to brag on myself this time because I am quite proud of my hitting exploits.

I felt like a "professional hitter" guys. I noticed a tendency that pitchers had showed me and I took full advantage of it. I took an 0-1 fastball away from Doug Sessions and drove it down the left field line (thats the other way for us cool people also known as lefties). I do consider it my crowning moment of the season thus far. Although I must admit, for all the conditioning we pitchers do, I was strangely tired after I scored. I thought I was in better shape than that. Oh well, the point is I scored. I helped my team out from an offensive standpoint and man did it feel good! I am now a proud .200 hitter in my professional career, but I have struck out 3 times in 5 at bats....